How to Use the EPSR
- Where do I go to submit my paper?
- Go to epsr.ans.org and look for the meeting for which you would like to submit a paper. All the upcoming ANS meetings are listed by date, so scroll down to find the applicable meeting listing.
- Do I need to be an ANS member to submit a paper?
- No, but you need to have or create an ANS account to be able to submit a paper. The email address attached to your ANS account must match the email address you enter into the EPSR.
- How do I enter a submission of a paper?
- You must be logged in to your ANS account to access an EPSR. On epsr.ans.org, you can confirm that you are logged in by looking in the upper right-hand corner. If your name is showing , you are logged in. If you see “Log In” with an arrow, you are not logged in. Click the arrow to log in.
- On epsr.ans.org, find the meeting to which you wish to submit your paper, and click on the name of the meeting. Click on the My Abstracts/Summaries/Papers link at the top of the left-hand navigation bar under Abstract/Summary/Paper Submission. Follow the steps to enter all title and author information, including order of author names, as you wish it to display in the meeting program. The title and author information entered into the EPSR form should match the paper. Submit your paper as a PDF document. Be sure to "Review and Submit" at the bottom of the page.
- After you submit your paper, the primary author will receive a confirmation email from the ANS EPSR. If you do not receive an email, return to the EPSR and ensure that you provided all required information and clicked “Review and Submit.” Also check your spam folder and, if necessary, designate the ANS EPSR as a safe sender so that you receive future communications.
- How do I enter a submission of a panel?
- Enter a panel in the same way that you would enter a paper (see above). Once you get into the submittal form, choose “panel” instead of “contributed/stimulated paper.” In almost all cases, panel organizers will already have discussed the panel with the meeting organizers. Assuming this has occurred, submit the panel to the session that has been specifically set up for your panel in the meeting’s EPSR.
- I know I missed the date for submitting a paper – can I submit anyway?
- Late submissions are discouraged and may not be possible. Contact the meeting organizers and/or ANS staff epsr@ans.org to discuss your situation.
- I will be submitting my paper right before the deadline. Is there anything I can do to help ensure I meet the deadline?
- You can enter all the information about the paper and authors into the EPSR form ahead of time. When the paper is completed, you can then simply upload your paper.
- How do I know if my paper was accepted?
- All authors will be sent a decision letter via email from the EPSR by the date given on the Call for Papers. Please ensure that the e-mail address you enter into the EPSR is correct. If you don’t receive a decision letter, check your spam blocker.
- I have now prepared my full paper or revised my original summary/paper based on the decision letter I received. How do I upload my full or revised paper?
- Click on the link under the Submission heading at the top of the left-hand navigation bar. Click on the title of your paper. From the yellow right-hand navigation box, use the links to answer any additional questions, update author or title information, and access the file-upload path.
- When submitting a revision, do NOT choose the Delete/Withdraw option. When you follow the File Upload instructions, your revised paper will stack on top of the original submittal. It is clear to reviewers which is the newest version. The Delete/Withdraw option is meant only for those who wish to entirely withdraw from the conference.
- If you are submitting a revision for an “Accept with Revisions” paper, you will not receive a confirmation of submittal email from the EPSR because, although your revision is encouraged, the paper is already considered to be submitted. After uploading your paper, click Save and Continue. This is all you need to do, but if you wish to check that your revision was successfully uploaded, click Review [current paper stage] in the yellow navigation box. Scroll down to File Upload, and you will see the record of your file uploads.
- For papers that were Reject Unless Revised, the primary author will receive an automated message from the EPSR, confirming the submittal of a revision. If the primary author does not receive the message, please return to the EPSR and make sure all required information has been entered and submitted, including clicking on the “Review and Submit” button at the bottom of the page.
- For papers that are submitted after an abstract, the primary author will receive an automated message from the EPSR, confirming the submittal of a paper. If the primary author does not receive the message, please return to the EPSR and make sure all required information has been entered and submitted.
- Can I turn my full or revised paper in late?
- We handle late submissions on a case-by-case basis and need to know before the deadline if you need more time. Email epsr@ans.org if you need an extension, and we will determine if an extension can be granted.
- How do I make sure author names and paper title are stated correctly in the meeting program/platform?
- You must correctly enter and update all information in the fields in the EPSR. Information for the meeting program/platform is obtained from the information you enter into the EPSR, not from the paper itself. Therefore, all authors should be listed in the EPSR in the correct order, with correct affiliations, in the same way author information is stated on the paper itself. If changes in authorship occur between first and final submittals, change the information in the EPSR’s fields so that it matches the information on the paper itself.
- If I made a mistake in my paper, how can I get the corrected version to ANS?
- If the EPSR is still open, you can upload your corrected version using File Upload. If the EPSR is closed or if your paper was Accepted as is, please e-mail epsr@ans.org about essential corrections.
- What format should I use for my paper?
- For the ANS Annual and Winter Meetings, see the Word and LaTeX templates that provide the format details for a Transactions summary on the Transactions website. For topical meetings, use the template specified by that meeting.
- Why am I not getting e-mails about the status of my submission or my presentation at the conference?
- Emails from the EPSR are usually sent out in bulk. Check your spam folder and follow any necessary steps to identify the ANS EPSR as a safe sender. Also, e-mails are usually sent to just the primary and/or presenting author. In addition to communication about your submission, ANS will send pertinent information regarding preparation for the meeting via the EPSR, so please make sure to read each email thoroughly.
- Where is the copyright form?
- Copyright forms must be filled out for topical meetings for a Proceedings but not for the national meeting Transactions. The copyright form for a specific meeting will be found under the Resources link for the specific meeting. To find the link, go to www.ans.org/meetings, scroll to the specific meeting listing, click the title of the meeting, and on the left side of the page will be a link to Resources. Summaries published in Transactions are the property of the American Nuclear Society and do not require a copyright form to be completed.
- If I can’t present my paper, can I pay the page charges and still have my work in the Transactions or the meetings proceedings?
- This is not an option. Only papers presented at the meeting will be published in the Transactions or meetings proceedings.